
Archives: Testimonial

Sudhir Mathur

How I Became a Disciple of Nirmala Sewani (Healer) as she is the Spritual guide to ATTRACTING PROSPERITY

The inspiring story of a super women’s quest for God and Self-realization through Mantras, Yagnas and her predictions especially for her disciples and me. I would like to congratulate her for sharing her journey with the world this compilation will inspire so many. I believe a woman’s strength is not measured by the impact that all her hardships have had on her; but by the extend of her determination not to allow those hardships to dictate her course of her life. I am sure the autobiography will provide strength and inspiration to many to face life’s challenges.

She is the one who brings us to life and teaches us to stand and walk and yet is modestly sublime to stay behind when we get skilled to go ahead in life; for me she represents the magnitude of healer. She holds the elegance of inner peace, the grace to give and accept; the mystery of a hidden laughter and tears always ready to surface, and a glamour that radiates the courage within. Nirmala ji is a gods child she is believer how to fight it out tough. She says whatever you do be sincere, diligent, god fearing and different that’s the pure advice she gives and I have followed her word and did the same which has got me so many positive things in life and name in the society

Nirmala ji is one soul maintained with her simplicity in spite of everything, her faith stood ground while strength of her devotion and the grace of her beloved God grew multifold. An embodiment of love and innocence, her heart is temple of devotion. Nirmala ji is a change agent. She has inspired and changed so many lives and every time she creates a new story for herself and her entire community.

” She is powerful and full of untapped potential.”

Lastly I would say one word that encapsulates the life and work of NIRMALA SEWANI it is “Service” service to the society & service to people.

Mridu Agarwala

No combination of words cannot possibly define what Nirmala Didi means to me and my family,it has been 15 years since I know her.

My husband had met with a car accident,his condition was very critical and we had lost all hopes of his surviving.Then my sister told me about didi & we contacted her.Her miraculous prayers showed the result and my husband started recovering.By Grace of God & Didi’s prayers he is absolutely fine now.Three years back my father was diagnosed with cancer.

We were all taken aback by this bad news. But Didi showed us a ray of hope amidst the darkness.With her pujas and Havans she reduced my father’s pain.

Nirmala Didi is one of the most kindhearted,caring and humble person I have ever met.She is a gem of a person and we are very fortunate to know her.She is like an elder sister to us and had always stood by us through thick and thin.

Radha Umre

I have been associated with Nirmala Sewaniji for almost 15 years. Her knowledge and predictions are absolutely accurate and she has the blessing of Almighty to help us all with her perfect guidance, insight and intuitiveness. In certain low phases of my life she gave the strength to persevere and the solutions given by her worked like magic. I completely trust her with everything that she suggests, whether it is for my work, business, well being or any other issues. She even gave me the first alphabets of the name of my son-in-law at a time when we did not even know of him. The yagya/havans done by her are so powerful that the results are everlasting.

I sent a friend of mine to her whose daughter got many alliances but was not able to get married. She performed a havan for the family and within 6 months the daughter is happily married and very well settled.

Nirmalaji is an amazingly wonderful human being and has Divine powers to help mankind. May God bless her with good health and happiness. She is truly my Friend, Philosopher and Guide!

Rashmi Rajput

Dearest Nirmala Di,

When you asked me to write a few lines about my experience with you, I kept wondering as to how can I ever describe my feelings and gratitude towards you in words because that is inexpressible. I first met you in 2013 through a family friend, it was for my ailing health which had no possible explanation from endless doctors and tests I had gone through and the medicines I had popped,with no relief.

The moment we met and even before I cud speak anything, you very precisely and accurately described everything I was going through as if you just read my thoughts. You counselled me on all the possible causes & remedies for the same and I though reluctantly at first but decided to go ahead with it. And surprise of all, just within a week I felt better and started gaining my energies back and in the meantime also kept consulting you. True to your words I was out of all this mess within a few months. Not only my health but by di’s expert guidance I gained considerable improvement in all aspects of my life from Professional to financial to social to spiritual and I feel just about everything. Within just 3 months of performing my first Pooja with her I moved to a bigger apartment and within few years have moved to USA. All these years Nirmala didi has been with me and my family like a guide lovingly supporting and blessing us at every step of our lives.

Thanks and many more thanks for being there!! You have brought endless joy and happiness to our family and I would always & always be grateful to you for everything.

Poonam Sharma

Be a woman with big bindi or her forhead and with strong attitude and in her room might be so many candles she might be saying mantras in loud voice but when I saw her I got so impressed as she was a very simple and very sweet spoken person without any attitude and very sweetly she said “betao keya sawaal hai aapka “I asked her question regarding my brother regarding my future and I swear what ever she predicted came true and here I want to mention that time I was unmarried she even told first alphabet of my future husband name his city and even she told me how many children I am going to have and all became true after that I got so attached to her as she is next to God to me.

I am in contact with her from 25 years when ever in my life I feel stuck I always consultant Didi .here I want to give massages to every one which is very important the way you go temple with all your faith and trust in God and you are not going to temple to test God ability or power same way if you are going to visit nirmala di pls go with full trust in her not to test her ability as only then it will be easy for you and for her to fully make that spiritual connection .Me poonam sharma what ever I mentioned about Nirmala Ji is pure truth and based on my own experiences.may God blessed nirmala di with good health and long beautiful life Poonam

Arun Jain

Arun consulted Nirmala in 2008 having lost his financial stability and mental peace. With the aid of havans and alternate therapies, today, he is financially sound and completely in awe with Nirmala. He quickly referred his cousin to her who could not conceive after she had lost a child and had almost lost hope. Nirmala suggested a havan and after 10 months of it, she had delivered a healthy beautiful baby!

Chirag Juneja

Having graduated with an IT degree Chirag was looking for placement in the IT industry in USA and interviewed with a number of prospective employers including Intel. While his interview with Intel was very challenging but not satisfactory at all, he fared well in all others. Chirag’s mother Deepa rushed to Nirmala hyper tensed about the outcome. Nirmala predicted that he would receive an offer from Intel but Deepa wondered how this could come true since Chirag”s performance had been below par. Soon, an estatic Deepa called Nirmala to thank her for her prediction, Chirag had received a letter of offer from Intel, USA.

Deepa Juneja

In 2003, Deepa was desperately looking for a helping hand to get her out of acute depression due to work, health and family issues. She consulted astrologers who would provide her deferred solutions with no instant remedy. It was then that she was referred to Nirmala. With her ability to prophecy within the snap of a finger, Deepa knew the answers to all her questions instantly. Specific dates for business deals, admissions of her children to academies institutions, everything just sorted itself out like a jigsaw puzzle. Paranoid that she may be suffering from cancer, this worry too was made to rest when Nirmala told her that her reports would be negative, and they were. Its been 8 years since Deepa and her family look up to Nirmala Sewani as their guiding star and route to hope and peace.

Renu Gupta

Renu’s son was critically ill but nothing seemed to come out of the diagnosis. He had been hospitalized on the 4th of Oct 2007 but all medication was futile. Renu was referred to Nirmala through a family friend. After consulting her, Renu embarked on a therapy that combined havan and gems towards the end of Oct 2007. By the first week of Dec 2007, he had started showing signs of recuperating till one day he just got off the bed and ran out of his room.

Renu could not believe the miracle. Kapil was discharged on 7th Dec 2007. Kapil told his mother that when he was in the hospital, he found himself wandering in a maze of tunnels unable to find his way out, till he met a an old white bearded man dressed in white clothes who held his hand and showed him the way out. Nirmala confirmed that he was none other than her Guru.

Simi Power

Simi and her family has known Nirmalaji as she affectionately calls her for the last two and a half decades. Immaculate predictions of Simi’s board examination results to the second decimal, to the college and the profession that she chose was just the beginning. The next set of predictions were related to Simi’s marriage, the sex of her child, the personality traits of her unborn child which even today never fails to stupefy Simi after a span of 14 years.

Nirmala then came to Simi’s rescue when she was fighting a long and painful divorce and eventually won the custody of her son through a havan and gem therapy. The accurate soothsaying about Simi’s second marriage to a UK based gentleman, the birth of their daughter, the list seemed endless. Simi’s husband who never believed in astrological predictions, became an ardent believer of Nirmala and today the entire family consults her consistently to guide them with amazing precision.

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