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Court Cases Problems & Police Case Litigation

Court Cases and Legal issues are very common in everyone’s life like property disputes cases, divorce cases, contract disputes, criminal cases, family issues, etc. One or the other day we all face these court cases, and once the case starts it’s a very time taking procedure. Lots of paperwork you need to work on, you have to visit court on the date of every hearing, show your presence is very important in every hearing whether you are in town or not. You can’t even plan your vacation with your family, business trips, during your hearing dates. 

It also affects your finances as court cases are quite expensive. You have to hire a lawyer and need to pay him/her at every hearing. You will also have to follow all the legal procedures. You are even restricted from going out of the country, cannot apply for a visa in some destinations, which can even affect your business and job, and cannot even change your job in some situations. 

There are times when these cases take years to resolve due to the lack of resources and legal procedures of our country. Sometimes people withdraw their cases in the middle, without getting justice  as these cases take years to resolve and people cannot afford the same. It’s very difficult for a middle-class person to fight with two challenges at a time, one is the court case, and simultaneously the other is the money challenge for case expenses.

Even after following the procedure people are not sure that the case will be in favor or against at the end.  People try all remedies to solve the court cases & case litigation like pooja, havan, performing other rituals but sometimes these things don’t give any result.

These issues can be resolved, your court cases can be in favor of you as our expert Nirmala Sewani, Top Astrologer of India with her immense experience can not only guide you but also help you to resolve the cases permanently so that it will not bother you in future. People have a great experience with Nirmala Sewani in Police Case Litigation and Court Cases. 

Everyone has different kundli based on their star’s position and other technical aspects so the solution cannot be the same for all. Nirmala Sewani will deeply analyze your Kundli and star position and accordingly guide you with the solution.  

Mental Health of Children at stake

In these times, mental health issues are very common in children especially when they are trapped in their houses with their online classes and lack of physical and outdoor activities. Children and teenagers in particular are very secretive about their life. Problems like their relationships, career, future, tiffs between their parents, financial problems that their parents are facing etc are some among the many examples that teenagers have an issue with. Based on studies, it is proven that parents have a huge role in their child’s mental health and major factors that can affect their child’s health mentally and physically are their relationships with their parents, parents facing financial issues, and relationship between the mother and the father. Believe it or not these factors affect teenagers ranging from 13-18 and can become a huge constraint in a kid’s development. They start to lose focus in their academics and extra curriculars and overthink about the problems that they can do nothing about. Another issue is that many children have abondonement issues with their guardian or parent. Influence by their fellow classmates and friends can lead to pear pressure which can lead to sudden outbursts and irritability. One of the symptoms of a child having depression or anxiety is there consistent (more than 2 weeks) lack of social interaction among their friends and parents. Children in the age group of 3-8 years are also a victim of mental health issues if they have consistent tantrums, irritability, trouble sleeping, eating disorders, consistent sadness for no specific reasons etc. These issues can take years to resolve a and will leave a dent in your child’s entire life if it is left unresolved.

What can we actually do about it?

Every child’s kundli and start position determine his or her problems and can be the solution to their problems too.

Our expert, Nirmala Sewani, Top Astrologer in India has immense experience in this forte. She can easily guide you with how to work out your child’s problems and be a supportive guide in their journey. She will help you resolve your teenager’s issues with her poojas, therapy sessions etc.

Hurdles in Marriage

Marriage is a very beautiful and very important relationship. A successful marriage requires falling in love with the same person again and again. When two people agree to share their happiness & sorrow throughout their life they agree to get married. 

It is extremely important to get marriage at right time. Marriage is bliss if it happened properly time, but it will become a curse if not done with the right person or at a suitable time. Mostly delay in marriage happen due to career, qualification, family responsibilities, being highly choosy, being in a better life partner, etc. But the most important cause of delay can be the placement of your stars. If your stars are not in place, it can delay your marriage for a long time.  

It is extremely important to match the kundali and stars of both the partners so that they can live their life without any hurdles. If the match is not perfect it can cause a major problem in their marriage life. There can a situation where people regret their decision. Sometimes the problems become too stretched that it can reach separation or need to take legal advice. To avoid future issues it is highly advisable by the best astrologer in India, Nirmala Sewani to match the kundali and then take this strong step. 

There can be a situation that kundali is not matching but both the partners still want to marry and live their life together. In that case, some solutions can be advised by our Guru Maa Nirmala Sewani, like performing a specific hawan which can help to place the stars of both the partners in a suitable path to remove any obstacles happening in their marriage life.  

Nowadays love marriages are very common and people choose their life partner as per their compatibility but after a few years of marriage, they start facing real-time issues. The reason behind this is the position of their stars. They can only match the physical and emotional compatibility but forget to match or maybe don’t bother to match the stars which are the most important to be matched as your emotions, feeling, and physical compatibility is based on your star’s placement. 

Don’t format to match your kundali before going for a lifelong journey. 


Inter-Caste Marriages Through an Astrologer’s Lens

In a world where love knows no boundaries, inter-caste marriages have become a beautiful testimony to the universal nature of affection. However, these unions often come with their fair share of challenges, both social and personal. As an astrologer, Dr. Nirmala Sewani had the privilege of witnessing the destinies of couples embarking on this profound journey. Let’s explore the role best astrology plays in inter-caste marriages and how it can guide couples to match their cosmic energies.

Astrology, in essence, is a study of the cosmic influences that shape our lives. It’s important to clarify that astrology is not a deterministic science, but rather a tool for self-awareness and guidance. When it comes to inter-caste marriages, Dr. Nirmala Sewani can offer valuable insights into the compatibility and potential challenges that may arise between two individuals.

  1. Compatibility Analysis: Best Astrologers assess the birth charts of both partners, examining the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth. This analysis helps determine the compatibility of their energies, which can provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in the relationship.Inter Caste Love Marriage Solution
  2. Identifying Potential Challenges: Astrology can shed light on potential areas of tension or conflict within the relationship. This awareness is not meant to discourage love but to empower couples to navigate challenges with greater understanding.
  3. Timing and Auspicious Moments: Astrologers can recommend auspicious dates for important milestones in the relationship, such as engagement or marriage ceremonies. These dates are chosen based on planetary alignments that are believed to favor the couple.
  4. Psychological Insights: Astrology can provide valuable psychological insights into each partner’s personality and tendencies. Understanding these traits can improve communication and empathy, allowing couples to build a stronger bond.

Challenges and Solutions

Inter-caste marriages often face unique challenges, and Dr. Nirmala Sewani can offer some guidance & consultation in addressing them:

  1. Family Acceptance: Astrology can help couples anticipate potential objections from their families and suggest ways to handle them. It’s important to remember that astrology cannot change familial attitudes, but it can provide tools for effective communication.Inter caster Love marriage solutions
  2. Cultural Differences: Astrology can help couples understand and appreciate each other’s cultural backgrounds better. By recognizing the strengths and challenges associated with different cultural influences, couples can find ways to blend their traditions harmoniously.
  3. Overcoming Social Stigma: While astrology can’t change societal attitudes, it can bolster couples’ confidence in their choices. Self-assuredness often radiates positivity and can gradually influence others’ perceptions.


Inter-caste marriages are a witness to love’s ability to transcend boundaries. Astrology, as a guiding light, can provide couples with valuable insights into their relationship dynamics, helping them navigate challenges with greater understanding and empathy. However, it’s crucial to remember that astrology is just one tool in the journey of marriage. The success of an inter-caste marriage ultimately depends on the love, respect, and commitment of the individuals involved, as well as their willingness to face challenges together, hand in hand.

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When to get married?

We are always curious to know about our marriage, when, where and to whom? Our Astrology plays a very important role in our life and moreover when its about your life partner than everyone should consult the astrologer for it as this is going to decide your life. With the help of astrology we can get hints/idea/guidelines about when will we get married, Marriage distance and direction? We will discuss here how to know about Direction of Spouse in astrology.

According to Hindu astrology planet positions totally affect the marriage. According to Vedic and Indian astrology “men are from mars and woman’s are from Venus”. For any kind of information regarding Marriage and spouse we have to check 7th house, Planets posited in 7th house and the significator of Marriage Venus. Determine the strongest among the 7th lord, Planets placed in 7th house and Venus. The direction indicated by the strongest planet can be the direction of Spouse in astrology. Check the Sign which is rising in 7th house and the direction indicated by this Sign.

When people approach us for Marriage Consultation Nirmala Sewani use her best knowledge and technique to come to an conclusion about the Direction of Spouse. It takes only few minutes by her to Analyze Marriage only.


Nirmala Sewani is one of the top astrologer and meditation expert in Gurgaon, NCR widely known for her strong intuitive skills and her expertise in 67 different kinds of Yagnas or Havans. She can quickly predict an upcoming situation in anyone’s life through voice decoding backed with expert knowledge in palmistry. Recently in 10th August she organized a meditation session for the Miss Rajasthan 2018 contestants to bless them while in previous year too we remember, she graced the occasion of Mrs. India NCR 2017 by lamp lighting. She has been voted among the 100 distinguished personalities of Rajasthan at the Coffee table Book launch in Hilton hotel of Jaipur. She has been featured in the book with 99 talented personalities for their social contribution to Rajasthan state and India. She is Collective Meditation Expert and has also conducted a collective meditation session along with live discussion and interaction at the Gyanam Event on 8th and 9th of September 2018, which was held at Hotel Casa Bela in Jaipur. It was a two days live event attained by many famous astrologers and Vaastu experts. Another recent meditation session by Nirmala Sewani was on 13th September at Hotel Hayat in Gurugram. The event was organized by Arya Group of Colleges and managed by Yogesh Mishra and Nimisha Mishra. The September month till now has been highly motivating for the Japurites and Gurugram people through the live interactive sessions with Nirmala Sewani while we are hoping for more such events in the upcoming months.

A justly Placed Entrance Door includes a Lasting Impression

Vastu Shastra believes that the most door isn’t only for humans to enter however it’s additionally the hospitable gate for deities and quality within the house.

Vastu for entrance

An entrance or the most gate includes an important role within the Vastu of a house. this is often the place from wherever the cosmic energy reaches every corner of the house. If per the date of birth and a number of Vastu algorithms, the direction of the most gate suits you then there would be tons of positive energy coming into the house and therefore the members of the family would prosper. However, if it’s a negative impact then there would be a free flow of negativity, there’ll be a heap of troubles, and members wouldn’t prosper.

A North West direction entrance could suit you and persuade be useful underneath bound circumstances. One simply must follow bound pointers and rules of Vastu. there’ll be a Vastu defect just in case your direction isn’t northwest which can cause tensions and clashes with neighbors or there is also charge. it should usher in a lot of enemies than a lot of friends to you.

We all want to avoid such circumstances! Isn’t it! in this case, you will visit a Saral Vastu authority, the World Health Organization would offer you with remedies to cure the Vastu dosh while not breaking or reconstructing the doorway door.

North West entrance flat Vastu

Like the house, even flats got to maintain the Vastu. there’s an enormous demand for high-rise flats currently. As flats are predesigned and not a lot of modification may be exhausted its structure and set up, therefore they’re not thought of like a really sensible choice for Vastu believers.

However, Saral Vastu has useful tips and solutions for flats which will be opted for positive vibrations. there’s no got to choose reconstruction, as Saral Vastu can offer you a few straightforward and simple solutions.

For instance:  A house bought by a father was created per his date of birth as he was the earner of the house. The family had all the happiness growth and prosperity. Then the daddy retired and therefore the son became the earner of the house however all they might earn were loses. Neither their business nor the family had any growth. the sole reason behind it had been that the house and directions were well matched per the father’s date of birth however didn’t match with the son and proven non-beneficial for him.

If you relate to any such points that are mentioned higher than and if you’re feeling, you’ve got northwest Vastu, dosh contact Saral Vastu consultants for the most effective and fast results. they’ll reach you at the earliest.

You Can Call Vastu Vigyan Specialist Nirmala Sewani for any Enquiry related to Vastu Dosh. Just call us at +91 981 044 2788

Recent Post: Energy in Vastu

Online meditation | Corporate meditation session


People living busy, time-starved lives ar in an exceedingly incomprehensible state of affairs – learning and often active meditation and different Nirmala Sewani meditation technique (such as relaxation, imagination, and contemplation) would very facilitate them to relax, de-stress, and enhance their quality of life. however, wherever is that the time to find out so apply it within the initial place.

To address this terribly trendy contradiction, we’ve got created Nirmala Sewani wholly on-line program in order that it’s simply accessible.

Meditation for beginners to advanced

Nirmala Sewani provides a corporate meditation session and one in every of the foremost comprehensive and well structured online programs for beginners. It gives:

  • A sensible theoretical grounding on the character of the mind and meditation and therefore the different core Nirmala Sewani meditation techniques together with their origins, history, trendy relevancy, and supporting analysis base
  • Unique, extremely effective target-hunting on-line meditation and mind-training exercises
  • Ongoing encouragement and inspiration to stay a daily routine that ultimately brings you long rewards

For experienced or advanced meditation practitioners, Nirmala Sewani is equally, if less helpful. It has:

  • Exercises that job best as target-hunting e.g. “Progressive Muscle Relaxation” for deeply quiet the body, “Journey of Transformation” and “White light-weight Imagery” that are each geared toward helping in healing of the body, and a chic “Contemplation on Gratitude” that may be practiced daily at the top of the Corporate meditation session
  • A distinctive on-line feature for making made-to-order session exploitation any combination of accessible Nirmala Sewani exercises in any sequence together with any amounts of silent times – ideal for those leading cluster meditation sessions
  • Interesting, partaking and provoking Nirmala Sewani stories, case studies, and theory delivered through daily emails and via the diary to assist carry on the inspiration and dedication to regular meditation apply. The case studies show sensible ways that of applying meditation and Nirmala Sewani techniques to rework otherwise negative or nerve-racking things that we have a tendency to all face day today

Guided meditation edges

  • For beginners, the target-hunting meditation exercises delivered by Nirmala Sewani ar extremely helpful to expertise, learn and establish a daily meditation apply
  • For advanced meditation practitioners, Nirmala Sewani provides exercises that job best as target-hunting meditation exercises e.g. “Progressive Muscle Relaxation” for deeply quiet the body, “Journey of Transformation” and “White light-weight Imagery” that are each geared toward helping in healing of the body, and a chic “Contemplation on Gratitude” that may be practiced daily at the top of the regular Corporate meditation session


Next Blog: Inspiring Sessions Guidance Nirmala Sewani last one month 2018

Financial Characteristics of your Zodiac

“Vit ki teen gati….dan,bhog,Nash Pahli do jo n karta tisariapne aap ho jati!” This shlok/phrase from ‘Niti Shatak’ created by Bhrathari, relates to the truth our lives.

“There are three outlets of money– ‘daan’ meaning charity, ‘Bhog’ meaning enjoyment and ‘Naash’ meaning destruction.” If the first two are not followed, the third becomes inevitable, i.e. whatever you earn, either give away in charity or utilize it for your pleasure or in this world, where everything is destructible; money will also be destroyed.

We all are aware that for every day’s functioning money is required. In this materialistic world, money may not be a goal, but it is definitely a medium to live life.

The shining stars across the blue canvas of the sky always attract attention of our eyes and mankind has always been working incessantly to find the mysteries around these stars. The more we look for; newer aspects unfold themselves in front of the mankind.

Varhmihir who is one of the pioneers in concept astrology says – “Pratyaksham Jyotísh shastra chandrakan yasyaSakshindó, i.e. this science is evident and its effect is seen on this earth and on everything which can be living or non-living, and its witness are sun and moon that are incessantly moving and making it more evident.

The effect of planets on human life is not an imagination but is a truth. The waxing and waning of moon is the reason of high/low tide in the ocean and has been accepted by scientists. The way waxing and waning of moon can create havoc in ocean, the same way other planets also have an effect on human body, mind, psyche, personality and the day today happenings.

Here we will discuss the planetary effect on personality and finances of persons born in 12 zodiac signs.


Aries (21 March to 20 April)

This is the beginning of the astral cycle. The lord of this sign is Mars-it represents science, culture, logic and leadership. The way Mars is a brightly shining star on the horizon, in the same way people born under its influence acquire fame and name.

They are, by nature, independent and like to manage their finances independently. It is advised that they should run business in partnership and should be involved in business related to electrical items, bricks, iron etc. This is a sign of channelized energy and balanced thinking, due to these qualities they can make good police and officers of defence, they are good administrators and therefore usually acquire position of power.

Although they are very clear headed and intelligent, they are bad at financial management. They should use their money as efficiently as they use their mind. They usually earn well but may lose money due to gambling. They have a weakness to fall for impulsiveness and may put their money in wrong places. They have immense ambition for property but they require lot of patience and stability for this. Mars depicts spring and spring represents prosperity, intelligence and love and these people spend a big amount on lavish lifestyles.

Taurus (21 April to 20 May)

The mind and heart of people born under this sign are ruled by Venus. Venus represents love and beauty and therefore people born under this sign are peace loving and very patient. These people not only boast, but actually spend a big part of their earning for social welfare.

They are attracted to beauty, culture, sympathy and all alluring things. They usually make their living by beauty and art related endeavours like- cinema, theatre, painting, designing, photography etc. They are also good decision makers and advisors and therefore can make counselling and related field a good medium for earning money. They also rely greatly on fate and like luxury and privacy. Due to their love for luxury, they need to be cautious in spending money in gambling. They should invest in mutual funds or shares to have maximum gains.

Gemini (21 May to 21 June)

This sign represents twins and therefore it has brains of two persons, they also have a double fortune. In this sign ruled by Mercury- two types of energies flow together – high and low. They are a combination of body and soul, good and evil, heaven and hell, extra-terrestrial and terrestrial. These people exhibit love for society in ample amounts. Despite having problems, pain and excessive hard work, they find peace and happiness due to their good karma. They do not need to earn money and do not work to get profits, but they can give away their lives for a particular goal. Due to this self-realisation, they become great thinkers, authors, philosophers, teachers and historians. They may earn by becoming authors and philosophers.

Cancer (22 June to 22 July)

Cancer denotes strong will power. Cancer is represented by crab and crab first moves backwards to gain strength to forge ahead. This sign is fragrance of life force; it is ruled by the Moon. The people born under this sign are very imaginative and when they use their imagination in earning money they can become very successful share traders, astrologers, tarot readers, novelists and poets.

They are deeply involved in research and therefore, they see the happenings of events in life like a movie. They are a water sign and can earn well if get into related work like- chemicals, paint, hotel management, medicines, boating/shipping, direction and dentist etc.

They can acquire wealth by their creativity and imagination but they spend most of it in acquiring luxury. Women of this sign are specially advised to invest in property besides jewellery to get double benefit of their luck.

Leo (23 July to 23 August)

This is the fifth sign representing fire, strength and patience. Besides leadership, their personality has sharp analytical power, dedication, honesty towards work and effective working style. They face work and finance related problems with patience and faith. Their financial growth is very slow due to the micro-analysis of their own intelligence which acts as a hindrance. They easily sway into false sense of security due to suddenly acquired success. The people born under this sign want to be financially independent. They have to learn to make wise use of their financial resources before they are totally consumed. They have to learn that ‘Earn more and spend more’ cannot give success.

They have an ability to get results and can shoulder difficult responsibilities, and that is why big industrialists, financial managers, land holders, builders, political and administrative positions are often headed by these people.

To get financial benefits they should use their imagination that fulfils their basic principles and for that, they should invest in areas of entertainment like- acting, music, educational institutions or tourism. Due to their bigheartedness they are never able to save and therefore, for financial security they should keep investing in jewellery and mutual funds etc.

Virgo (23 August to 22 September)

This is a sign of purity and a beautiful girl represents this sign. When the Sun is in this sign, the crop is harvested. The persons born under this sign are successful because they are able to understand other people and have skills and expertise to do that. They have great intelligence but they have a preference for fashion on life skills. Therefore a big part of their income is spent on lifestyle and giving gifts. They are more successful in professions involving intelligence rather than hard work. They are good writers and smartbusinessmen; therefore they excel financially if they deal in business involving clothes, medicine and entertainment.

They have an exceptional analytical skill and an intense hunger to find answers for unknown and therefore excel as scientists and can gain financially if they take science as a profession. They have a tendency to preserve and therefore are not spend thrift and use their finances to make life more beautiful and comfortable. It is often advised to use their money for welfare of society although they are happy to share their earnings with other people and subordinates and keep them happy. They cannot keep money for long and are advised to invest in immovable assets.

Libra (23 September to 22 October)

This sign is related to balance and the lord of this sign is Venus. People born under this sign have great feeling of balance and justice. It is also a sign of union of power and balancing point of our existence. Librans make their own fate. Besides being creative, they are also experts in managing their finances in a balanced manner. They have great adaptability to different and challenging circumstances; with the result, they are able to divert their intellectual and artistic pursuits in a positive direction even when they are undergoing financial difficulties. Law, writing, teaching, medicine, production and flying are certain professions in which they can be successful. They spend less and therefore business gives them strength and they use their money for the welfare of society in a big way.

Due to interest in creativity, they are also good painters, musician, entertainers and dancers and use their money in these artistic pursuits. They are fond of traveling as they are also fun loving. With limited resources how can you give your life a beautiful outlook has to be learnt from these individuals. They save intelligently for future and are benefited by investing in both movable and immovable assets.

Scorpio (23 Oct to 21 Nov)

The lord of this sign is Mars which is outside the orbit of Earth. It protects the person from every opposition. The people born under this sign give more importance to money to give stability to their lives. To earn money, they have intense wisdom, desire and a strong will to expand the horizons of their work.

They show expertise in medicine and are successful surgeons and chemists. They use their finances to make their life powerful and attractive. They spend the money earned freely on others and their family members.

Being independent, they spend a big part of their earned income on parties and luxurious items. To make their personality and surroundings effective, they spend liberally even if it means spending extra or on unnecessary items. The people born under this sign are so entangled with profit from current situation that they are unable to fore see the impending difficulties and therefore have to struggle to fight their behaviour regarding spending, so that they can live a financially secure future. They are advised to invest immovable assets so that liquidity is there as and when required.

Sagittarius (22 Nov to 21 Dec)

This is a sign of administration and intelligence. Persons born under this sign represent stability and balance. They are excellent in management of finances and human resources. They have complete control and quality to lead; they manage beautifully between earning and expenditure. Despite being easy on money, they have immense capability to save money. They are fun loving and brave hearted and therefore spend on eating, entertainment and merriment.

To gain stature and fulfil their ambitions, they spend money effectively but sometimes they misuse it too. They do not get involved in things like gambling and lotteries etc. They are good businessmen and have a quality to accomplish their projects related to individual and financial benefits. For management of finances, they are good CEO or head of organization. They gain sometimes by shares, lottery etc.They are lucky and can benefit by investing in real estate.

Capricorn (22 December to 21 January)

This is the tenth sign depicted by goat and ruled by planet Saturn. The people born under this sign make their living by agriculture, gardening, flowers, wood, rubber etc. These people work on searching for wells and mines, mathematics and chemistry are their favourite subjects. They have good concentration and ability to absorb and therefore they are very aware about finances. They don’t spend unnecessarily and spend intelligently on education and knowledge. They use their money on expansion of their institution or organization.

Instead of spending on self, they like to spend on their subordinates. Their ambition is to raise self and all along taking their family and society along with them. Financial management for these people is to invest more or expand business. They should be careful from people who are greedy, because due to their trusting nature, people often cheat them and so they are usually seen undergoing many ups and downs in their lives.

Aquarius (22 January to 18 February)

The sign is depicted by pot with flowing water and is governed by Saturn. It is a sign of decisiveness and the pot depicts deeds of mankind and the flowing water outcome of those deeds. This sign represents progressiveness and therefore these people are seen as leaders in bringing change in their finances by different sources but in terms of financial management they depict stability and are grounded. These people are good teachers, bureaucrats, designers, environmentalists, land scrappers, writers, actors and religious workers. A part of whatever they earn is spent on travel and enjoyment. They weigh money as indicator ofsuccess; although they don’t believe themselves in it but for them money is to establish social standing. For them, to have followers is also an indication of success. They are not swayed easily by opposition in carrying out their projects.

They make savings and financial management an integral part of their lives. In today’s industrial civilization they come across as trustworthy persons with work oriented quality. Gambling, shares etc. can be harmful for them and therefore,they should invest in land, property or precious metals.

Pisces (19 February to 20 March)

Last of the sun sign, this sign is an indicator of mechanical power of mankind. The lord of this sign is Jupiter which isthe Lord of this galaxy. The people belonging to this sign are patient, peaceful and amicable. They are very aware of the inner world and are dreamers, when they translate these into practical world they succeed as teachers, head of institution-both educational and spiritual. They are well mannered and thoroughly cultured and think from their mind and feel from their hearts. Their financial management is very balanced in every way. They use their income properly in charity, lifestyle and saving for difficult time. If they spend their money in social work their personality, status and success will reach a new dimension. They have unique quality of influencing people and are hence good leaders. They can be a good source of inspiration for teaching financial management to others. Shares and gamble can be beneficial for them and due to their good judgment they can invest in shares and property.


Behind the establishment of any knowledge, subject or matter there is only one concern – it should be useful to make human life happy & prosperous and make the civilization & culture progressive & developing.

Vedic Vaastu Shaastra and Feng Shui(Chinese Vaastu Shastra), also work on the principle of improvement thereby making human life and its environment happy and prosperous.

“Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande” means that there is an entire Universe in all matter, whatever small it is. In this way, man and his dwelling is part of the Universe. Many unseen universal elements also affect them e.g. – flow of magnetic energy in north and South Pole and ultra violet & infra red rays in sunlight. The combinations of all these elements are the basis of Vedic Vaastu Shaastra.

The meaning of ‘Vaastu’ is present & impactful. There are five major elements present in this universe, from which our bodies and this world are made of. The variance in its size, structure and form make the difference. The following words of Tulsidas also prove it-

“Chiti jal pavak gagan samveera
Panch Rahit Yeh Adham Shareera”

That is to say earth, water, fire, air and sky are the five basic elements, whose fine balance rules the Laws of Nature. Whenever there is an imbalance in these five elements, the human body & the related environment have to suffer the ill consequences. It is also stated in Ayurveda that whenever there is disharmony in air, fire and water in our body our body system faces many ill effects. For example – imbalance of air leads to gastric problems, disharmony of water leads to cough & cold and skin disorders like acne etc. are faced due to excess of fire.

When the five elements of our body are in harmony or balance with nature, our life will be organized and will run smoothly. In simple words, this means that the house in which you reside should be in harmony & balance with your own basic nature. A person living in a house with imbalanced elements will suffer from mental stress, economic losses, physical problems, lowering in social status and fear of government etc.

It is important to understand that the science of vaastu shaastra is dependent on the individual, i.e. your own basic characteristics and the alignment of stars at the time of your birth. This determines how your house should be made. For example, if you are a person with water sign of pisces, scorpio or cancer, then the direction of your main door should be in north east whereas, if you have a fire sign then the house should be facing south east.

Similarly, in nature if there is disharmony in the proportion of fire, air & water or there is any deformity then there are adverse effects on the environment. For example, due to imbalance in air element there are storms, due to imbalance in fire elements there are earthquakes, volcano irruptions etc and due to water imbalance there are floods, tsunami etc. It is obvious that this imbalance in environment can ruin human life completely.

Therefore it is necessary that wherever we live on this planet we have to create a balance between all the five basic elements to lead a fruitful life.

It is an established fact that opposites attract and like things repel. Due to attraction there is formation of nature and due to repulsion it is exactly the opposite i.e. destruction.

In similar manner, Chinese folklore have a famous proverb that the life has three main components i.e “Luck, literature & fengshui”. Fengshui is as old as Vaastu Shaastra in India. Around 5000 years ago followers of Buddhism took this knowledge to China through Tibet. And for spreading the knowledge of their religion they established “Matha” temples and there the Vaastu Shaastra of India and the Chinese knowledge regarding enhancing prosperity came under one umbrella & became ‘Fengshui’.

When Fengshui came to India, due to excessive attraction of all Indians towards all imported items, we started following it blindly without thinking and thought ourselves to be blessed.

What is Fengshui? Feng means water and shui means air. Chinese believe that if environmental powers like water and air are favorable to Universe, it will not only create balance in the nature but also improve our luck.

The principle of fengshui joins human and nature on the basis of Yin & Yang. Yin means positive energy and Yang means negative energy. These two powers rule the entire Universe. According to Chinese vaastu shaastra – ‘fengshui’- ‘chi’ is pranic energy which flows in every direction. This energy is a symbol of life. This invisible chi makes rivers flow, give life to trees, make fields full and chi flows even inside human body. This life giving chi has two parts- positive ‘yin’ & negative ‘yang’. For good health & fruitful life there should be a balance between the two forms of energy.

The pranic energy ‘chi’ which regulates life according to fengshui is divided into five elements – water, wood, fire, earth & metal.

According to Chinese people everything in this universe is made up of one of these elements. And these elements are interchangeable amongst themselves, for example water nourishes wood, wood burns by fire and turns to ash and forms a part of earth, inside earth metal is created and metal liquefies to become liquid due to fire.

In this manner this cycle of conversion of energy is continuously going on in the universe. In fengshui the five basic elements are the basis of this universe and every element depicts a particular shape, color, direction and season.

Triangle is a sign of summer, fire; it depicts red color and south direction. Yellow color depicts East, element- earth, Wood depicts green color and spring season. Whole year is depicted by black color and has equal energies of all four directions. Spiral shape depicts north, water and ice and is associated with winter. Spherical shape represents white color, west direction and season- autumn.

Chinese relate these elements of Fengshui to Chinese astrology. They consider the earth a basis and consider speed of moon according to rotation of earth. According to Chinese calendar moon stays in one sun sign and hence have one element dominant for one year and therefore to complete rotation in all 12 sun signs it takes 12 years. According to them a person who is born under the dominance of one element should be advised to live in a house with dominance of that particular element. For example, water element represents knowledge, emotions, imagination and travel and persons with water as dominant element are writers, artists and introverts. Therefore to give maximum benefits to their personality these persons should primarily use water elements in their houses.

Like Feng shui, Vedic Vaastu has three universal elements. These are Satva, Rajja and Tama. Satva is such a force that gives life stability, growth, morality and positivity. ‘Tamsay’ element is exact opposite of all morality and related to aggression, negativity and destruction, ‘Rajja’ is between these two forces which gives life and environment activity, progressiveness and change.

Knowledge of both Vaastu and Fengshui proves that in human life and its surrounding environment, the principle of goodness or balance is necessary so that life is full of abundance, prosperity and happiness.

But along with this we have to remember that vaastu shaastra and fengshui is dependent on specific country, time and situation. Therefore, to blindly follow fengshui in our environment can in some ways be harmful as fengshui has been developed keeping in mind the environment of China.

According to geographical situation of China, to keep the Southern area of the house open and low is very good so that in summers the cool breeze coming from south can come in the house. Whereas in India north-eastern region should be kept open and low so that the early morning sun can bestow its rays and we can get goodness of northern breeze from Himalayas.

Similarly in Chinese social perspective according to fengshui the guest room is kept a little lower than kitchen so that the guest do not take away with him all the pranic ‘chi’ energy when he goes. Whereas in our culture, guest is our God and we feel happy by keeping them high.

In relation to Chinese mythology four animals protect the house, in east green python, in south red bird, in north black tortoise and in west white cheetah. Whereas in Indian mythology, Ganapati God of prosperity and ‘Vighnaharta’ protects the house, although in four direction east is for ‘Deva’, south is for ‘Yaksha’, west is for ‘Pisacha’ and north is dedicated for our forefathers or ‘Pitra’.

Bamboo tree is lucky according to Chinese folklores but according to Hindu mythology ‘Harshringara’ which came out during ‘Samudra Manthan’ is representative of prosperity and is a must in every house, ‘Meetha Neem’ is good for health and ‘Vrinda’ is good for the women of the house.

Therefore before selecting anything from any system we have to choose intelligently. To follow something without understanding can be an example of blindfolded mentality. It would be relevant to understand that how two schools of knowledge based on similar principle but practiced in different geographical areas, situations, climate, social and cultural variance can be related and why should we follow any other system, when we have our own scientifically designed and proven system?

(Colour Vastu) How to Select the Best Colors for Your Home

Colors, colors, and colors; they’re everywhere; the entire world is stuffed with them.

Right from the foremost scenic places within the world to the screen before of your eyes at once, you’re sure to realize colours.

Did you recognize that colours have astounding effects on emotions, mind and thought process?

For example, surround a depressed person with black color and he might ne’er overcome melancholy.

On the opposite hand, keeping constant – affirmative the exact same – depressed person enclosed with spirited and heat colours would fast-track the healing method and someday he is also one among the foremost optimistic person you’ve ever met in your life.

Such are often – and is – the impact of colors on our lives.

What this all means is that you just can’t – and must not ever – devalue the importance of colours.

This is the first reason why Vastu Shastra has rules and pointers for coloring a house.

These Vastu color tips – or pointers – would assist you to settle on the most effective color combination for your house in order that you and your family area unit invariably spirited, lovable, healthy and happy.

But first, I need you to grasp what every color means that and what space of life that color influences.

Colors Vastu – What every colours Signifies

Since colours area unit all over, there has to be some aspiring to them.

What I mean is that every and each color ought to signify one thing and that’s precisely what this section of the article addresses.

In this section, I’ll disclose to you what every color (main colors) means that and what side of life they influence.
So with none delay, let’s begin learning what every color means and what space of life it influences.


Red may be a daring color. It represents lust, passion, materialism, base energies, bravery, power, drama, emotions, action, passion, aggressiveness, warmth, energy, and timbre.

Its nature is active and stimulating (that’s why you’ll see a lot of red in some restaurants because it stimulates hunger).

You can use red color in places that require heat and energy.

Try golf stroke combination of red color shades (not too much) within the front room and see however spirited that room becomes.

People stricken by depression or who’re nervous ought to avoid red color because it are often terribly nerve-wracking.


Sky and water area unit diagrammatical by this color.

Blue conjointly signifies beauty, tranquility, happiness, emotions, inspiration, devotion, truth and mercy.
It’s a color that helps to heal and reduces pain.

You can use blue colours in area unitas that are vast.

Avoid victimization blue for little rooms.

Always certify to settle on lighter reminder blue whereas coloring walls of your home.

Try to avoid a lot of blue colour workplace, look or mill.

Avoid having an excessive amount of blue within the house as it’ll result in cough, cold and similar medical problems.


Growth, nature, relaxation, healing, fertility, abundance, prosperity, positive energy, rebirth, re-creation, etc. area unit the attributes diagrammatical by inexperienced color.

Since it represents healing that’s why you’ll notice a lot of inexperienced colour hospitals.

Another vital quality of inexperienced color is that it helps to quiet down temper and helps soothe the mood.

Hence, individuals or couples with temperament problems will use a lot of of inexperienced color.


The white color signifies purity, cleanliness, openness, innocence, simplicity, and luxury.

Since it conjointly represents privacy and intimacy, you ought to not paint the entire house white, else you will become egocentric.

You must certify to possess the entire ceiling of the house in white color.


Yellow represents happiness, purity, positive thoughts, optimism, openness, illumination, intelligence, study, stable mind, wealth and concentration.

Yellow has broadening impact i.e. it is often used at places or rooms that aren’t big; this’ll build the place look larger than it really is.

The abdominal nerve plexus chakra (out of the seven chakras) of the shape has a yellow color.

Hence, individuals having activity problems will use a lot of yellow color.


Orange color characterizes pride, determination, goals, communication, physiological condition, vivacity, warmth, action, energy, comfort, and ease.

It’s a color that may be employed by those who feel depressed with life.

Also, young aspirants who’re willing to place in determined efforts to attain goals in their life ought to use a lot of orange color.

However, certify to not use an excessive amount of orange (just use it in moderation).


Brown represents satisfaction, happiness, comfort, stability, and earth part.

It’s a masculine color and might be employed by anyone who agency needs to feel happy and glad in his life.


Purple is the color of luxury, riches, graciousness, self-regard, and poise.

It is often employed by individuals who’re stricken by complex (especially males).


It represents spirituality, happiness, satisfaction, memory, concentration, peace of mind and decisive nature.
Indecisive individuals ought to use a lot of violet color; it’ll facilitate them to take higher selections and instill confidence.

Also, those who feel they’re invariably malcontent with life will use violet color.

Try to not use an excessive amount of violet colour workplace or business place as it’ll cause you to feel glad about no matter the cash you have got and therefore the drive to form extra money won’t be in you.

It’s a really sensible color to be used moderately in kid’s bedchamber, pooja room, classroom and therefore the rooms of individuals whose work needs constant mental activity.

Also Read: When to get married?


Maun – The sound of Silence!

One of the most unique features that distinguish human beings from the rest of the living beings on mother earth is their ability to communicate through sounds with the use of words. It is the words that form the most powerful medium of expression. God’s gift of words to mankind is just a medium to transfer his thought process to all born on this magnificent planet called earth.

The Vedas have always emphasized that the power of the word is unlimited that goes way beyond the infinite sky and the galaxies. However, you will be really surprised to know that there is something much more powerful, probably millions of times more with depths that seem to be fathomless…..its the sound of silence.

It was after years of meticulous ‘mauns’ (Observing Silent Fasts) I understood that the immense strength of silence comes from the fact that it is completely devoid of the burden of words. A silent fast is the cleanser of body, mind and soul. The sound of silence and its effects are galactic. The immediate effect can be seen in the thought process of the individual that increases multifold. Little that he knows that soon his creativity knows no bounds, his artistic inclination touches new heights, his reservoir of energy flows incessantly and slowly cleanses his body, mind and soul.

These silent fasts find their roots and origin in the ‘navtratras’ which means ‘shakti aradhana’ or the worship of power. Essentially there are four navratras in a year. Each has its own connotation and importance. In totality they account for 40 days in a year. Two of these are ‘Jaagrit’ or well known to the layman while the other two are ‘Gupt’ or closed and not to commonly known. They also have another meaning to it. During the ‘Gupt mauns’, the learned assimilate all their energies and meditate discretely towards enhancing them to be able to then utilize them for a better and higher cause for the needy. So, this is essentially a time to sow the seeds for greater energies and greater abilities to serve mankind.

The ‘Jaagrit mauns’ its time to reap what has already been sown in the ‘Gupt mauns’. The assimilated energies are now utilized to worship and for the betterment of the human race.

I would go into a maun on all the four navratras in a year, and after years of following that diligently now I do that twice a year.

Here is a little insight into the 4 Navratras that occur in a year

1. Chaitra Shukla Pratipada – Shukla Dashmi: This marks the beginning of the summer season and the new year (According to the Hindu lunar calendar). A ‘Jaagrit’ navratra by nature this Basantic Navratri is the second most popular navratra. Durga iAashaads worshipped in the form of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and is known as Shree.

2. Aashaad Shukla Pratipada – Shukla Dashmi: This navratri welcomes the ‘Varsha Ritu’ or the Rainy Season bringing a relief to the parched and dry earth that yearns for relief bringing about a sense of relief and joy all around. This is a discrete navratra.

3. Ashwani Shukla Pratipada – Shukla Dashmi: Also known as the Shardiya navratra, this is the most popular navratra which is celebrated all over India in vivid forms with differing connotations. This is the time for ‘maha puja’ when Durga is worshipped as Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kaali. It also stands to rid darkness and welcome the winter season and marks the harvest of the wheat crop.

4. Maagh Shukla Pratipada – Shukla Dashmi. This is the strongest and the most difficult of the navratras and is ‘Gupt’ or discrete in nature. Durga is worshipped as Ma Shaarde or Ma Saraswati, the Goddess of art and enlightenment. This navratra blossoms when the spring blossoms and there is love in the air. It is said that it is during this time that the Gods from the heaven descend to the earth to romance. I guess that is why valentines day is also celebrated around this time.

Having told you about all the navratras, this is almost the end of my maun on day one of this Chaitra navratra. The feeling and sound of silence has been overwhelming. Go on and experience the new high that a maun can make you feel, even if it is for a very short span of time, even an hour or two. You will be amazed with the healing touch of this sound of silence!

Vastu for Rented House you should know

While we glance for a rented house, there are many personal requirements we confine our minds. the situation, size, space, accessibility, facilities, and environment of the world. But quite a time we tend to overlook the Vastu for a rented house. This leads to many negative results after shifting within the house or office. To avoid such negative impacts on our lives, we should always equally understand the importance of Vastu Shastra for a rented place.


Saral Vaastu provides you a great many insights and solutions to acknowledge the simplest place to hire out. Guruji established Saral Vaastu Principles through his extensive research of 20 years and concluded that the cosmic energy of anywhere is that the major player to form an area good or bad. If a house or office isn’t built with the Vastu rules and regulations, it creates adverse effects. A wrong direction and structure imbalances the cosmic energy of that premise and generates many life-related problems like wealth, health, business, marriage, education, relationships, etc.


To balance this energy, one should follow three sets of rules.


  • Connecting through the proper direction,
  • Balancing through the proper structure and
  • Channelizing through activated chakras.

The right direction and structure are analyzed by an individual’s date of birth because it isn’t a group of fixed rules. A father sees great success in one rented house but son sees adverse life within the same house therefore the Vastu solutions for father and son varies from person to person supported their date of birth. Saral Vaastu experts provide you personalized and unique solutions by analyzing your date of birth and other factors. By applying these solutions, you’ll balance the flow of energy in your rented house as per Vastu.


There are often few Vastu tips for rented house, one can follow:


  • When you visit the rented house, attempt to recognize the texture and energy of that place.
  • If you are feeling negative, sad, stressed or anxious, don’t rent the place as your body can pick the proper and wrong energy intuitively.
  • Visit a house with one among your relations to spot the aura of the environment.
  • Make sure that a rented house should be airy, well-ventilated and well-lit.
  • Avoid renting a house that’s almost traffic areas, hospitals, graveyards, crowded areas etc.
  • Do not rent a house that has any mobile or electric pole nearby. It blocks the free flow of energy.
  • Avoid a rented house that has many Vastu defects.
  • Do not rent a house with a restroom within the north-east direction.
  • A kitchen that is located in either North-East or South-West zone should be avoided.
  • Make sure that the direction of the main door should be your favorable direction as per Vastu.
  • Rent a house where a bedroom should be within the south-west zone.
  • The main door of a rented house shouldn’t be blocked by any tree, electric pole or the other heavy obstruction.
  • Before shifting within the rented house, confirm to color it with light colors.
  • Repair broken or leaked pipelines, taps, broken wardrobes, furniture, slabs etc.
  • One of the vital points to stay in mind before renting a house, identify the history of the house. Whether the house was lucky or previous tenants were prosperous or not.
  • If you’re already living during a rented house then follow a couple of tips to mitigate negative energy like mopping the ground with salty water.
  • Use positive paintings like mountains, sun, water, etc.
  • Use wall hangings that emit positive energy like wind bells, crystal, yantras, etc. suggested by a knowledgeable vastu expert.
  • Keep your house well lit and use incense sticks, dhoop, camphor (kapoor), etc. to stay air fresh and aromatic.
  • Always clean your house and don’t store unwanted furniture, things, etc. within the home.
  • As per Vastu Shastra, your house should be clutter-free, well-organized and delightful.
  • To remove negative energy, perform yagya, Ganesh pooja, Navgrah pooja etc.
  • Do not keep broken pictures, frames or mirrors within the rented house.
  • As per Vastu, any punch in the house shouldn’t be non-functional.
  • Ensure the positivity of a rented house, place plants that draws luck.


With these simple tips, you’ll ensure prosperity and good luck in your new rented house. Vastu for rented home is vital because it affects all of your relations and their lives.

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